Follow along step-by-step as we show you how to create an NSF-based composite application in IBM Lotus Notes V8 using both NSF and Eclipse components. You can reference these procedures when creating your own composite applications.
This tutorial contains the following steps you need to create an NSF-based composite application that includes both NSF and Eclipse components:
Overview and setup
Lesson 1: Create a WSDL file to support intercomponent communication
Lesson 2: Define IBM Lotus Notes view columns that publish properties
Lesson 3: Define IBM Lotus Notes actions for intercomponent communication
Lesson 4: Assemble an NSF-based composite application
Lesson 5: Add NSF components to the composite application
Lesson 6: Wire components in the composite application
Lesson 7: Publish properties using LotusScript APIs
Lesson 8: Add Eclipse components to the composite application
Lesson 9: Wire Eclipse and NSF components in a composite application
Lesson 10: Additional actions and wiring
Learn how to create an NSF-based composite application in IBM Lotus Notes V8.
Learn how to add Eclipse components to the composite application.
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